Sunday, October 12, 2008

Where's My Hubby... Oh Yeah It's Hunting Season

I've gotten used to the fact that Josh works for 2 weeks away from home and I'm totally fine with it. But through the months of September to November I consider myself abandonded!! First Josh went deer hunting.. no luck. Then went to work and came back to go elk hunting.. again no luck. The next time Josh comes home he will be going on his annual North Dakota trip. His dad, cousin and uncle go every year to pheasant hunt. (I personally think it's an excuse to drink... shoot a gun... and drink some more.) I went up deer hunting with Josh for 1 night and that was enough for me. I love to go hunting and camping just not like that. It was very beautiful though.
When I go hunting, usually with my dad, we generally pull right up to the animal and I ALWAYS bring something home!!! Hee hee!! I have to give my hubby a hard time. This year I didn't draw out on anything so I'm not going. Last year was very fun with my dad. I got to shoot my antelope that I'd been waiting for 7 years to shoot. It was such a fun experience. I shot it in the middle of a cow herd and when they saw us pull up in a white truck they ran for miles, they thought we were the farmer feeding them. It was hilarious!!!
I'm very greatful I have friends and family close this time of year so I am not completely bored. I'm on a house deep cleaning project now, I think I've bitten more off than I can chew!! Wish me luck!!


The Nielsen Family said...

You must be lonely if you are cleaning your house- that never happens!! LOL
By the way- Kolton wants to know where his $3.00 are?

Tecia said...

hi Camille! it's Tecia. I heard the girls get together with you. You look fabulous. Sorry about popping in. congrats on getting something, I've tried and it is HARD!!! hope all is well, see ya.

Joe and Victoria said...

I feel ya on this whole hunting season thing... first its the deer hunt, then the elk hunt, now its the duck hunt and soon the pheasant hunt!

I love your antelope picture! Nice job you little hunter you!!

Bart Thompson said...

Camille, That is so cool that you still go hunting with your dad. I always thought that sounded so much fun. I found your blog through Candace's. I hope you don't mind. It is fun to see what you guys are up to and keep in touch. Talk to you later. Love Marti