This will be my last official post before our little one arrives. Here is what's been going on. 2 Fridays ago I left work feeling very sick. I was having contractions, was very pale and flu like. I called my doctors office and they had me come in. My blood pressure was pretty high so they did a blood test and hooked me up to a stress test monitor. Luckily the baby was happy and content and my blood test came back normal. I was just having false labor, which sucks!! I delt with everything til Sunday and it just got really bad. I was thinking for sure this was it! I went in, was hooked up to 2 monitors, one for my contractions and one for the baby's heart beat. The baby wasn't under any stress and I apparently wasn't dialating fast enough so I was given some percocet for my pain and was sent home. I went in for my weekly appointment the next day. The doctor I saw that day decided to strip my membranes to help get things going, since I was having contractions all weekend. He told me he would call the doctor on call and let him know that I maybe coming in that night, he was certain I would be going into labor. Well I did go to the hospital that night in what I thought was labor AGAIN, but unfortunately I wasn't dialating fast enough AGAIN so I got some percocet and got sent home AGAIN. I swore I was never going to be that girl who went in with every pain but I never knew what I was supposed to be feeling, I still don't!! The next day I went to my birthing class with my mom and was having major cramping, pressure and contractions. I was being very stubborn and refused to go into the hospital to be checked again. Everyone kept telling me to just go in, go in, nobody cares, blah blah. Josh, who was out playing baseball, even called and said he was taking me in. Third times a charm right??? WRONG! I was progressing just not at the rate they wouldve liked me to. I was now 3cm and 85%. The doctor on call wouldn't keep me because I still had 2 weeks left. The one thing I did learn was that my baby is "sunny side up". This means he is facing upwards which is why I'm having a hard time dialating. Why no one could tell me this before was beyond me!! The nurse let me know that my water would probaby break before baby decided to turn. So she gave me a shot of morphine and sent me home AGAIN!! I did sleep good that night and the entire next day which was fabulous. I swore I was NOT going into the hospital unless my water broke. I held on to my word til my weekly doctors appointment which was today. My doctor was so shocked to see me still pregnant!! He was for sure I wouldve had him already. I told him everything that had happened and he was shocked. He explained to me that they like to have the baby inside as long as possible to make sure he is fully developed. He then decided that he was pretty confident that the baby and I were ready. The next time he was on call is Thursday so he decided to schedule to induce me!! I couldn't have been more excited. I knew that if I had any more contractions and went back into the hospital the other doctors wouldve let me "cook" a little longer and couldve gone a week over before doing anything. I will be getting a call Wednesday to see what time I go in. They will start my IV's and give me pitocin and then my Dr will break my water and put will come our baby!! Good thing is I can get an epidural at anytime!! And yes I'm a baby and am fully choosing the meds! The Dr stripped my membranes again today to make sure I was good and thin to help with things on Thursday. I know anything can happen between now and then but the way things have gone, I'm not holding my breath. Josh is scheduled to go back to work on Wednesday but is working things out to stay a few extra days. I can't believe our son is going to be here in a few days. Its been a great 9 months and I really don't have much to complain about but I am so ready to hold and see our son. I can't believe were going to be parents!!